Monday, November 19, 2012

Post Reflection- Life Tech

It was an entire exciting day in Life Tech! It is the trip that I think that was the most interesting in all 3 days! We were given a short briefing on Life Tech Company, a talk very similar to 3M. Our second activity is a hands-on activity in their v & v lab, playing around with polymerase chain reaction. We were first break into 4 groups. I am in Group 2, Polymerase. Our group in-charge is Kit Yeng and she brought us through the entire hands-on project. In this entire activity, we learn how the PCR process works, from collecting samples, then amplifying the samples and finally reading the samples with electrophoresis. We are also told the difference between a core PCR and a real time PCR. A core PCR could only amplify the DNA but not allowing us to quantify the DNA while a real time PCR could do both! We were also taught when the DNA formation could amplify exponentially (When it is above the threshold value in the computer system).

My Work on micro-pipetting 

How PCR works:

1. DNA sample is subjected to high temperature (95 degree celsius) in the hold stage for the machine to warm up, and to denature the DNA (Breaking the double helix to 2 strands of helix)

2. A primer is then inserted, which would bond to the 3 prime site of the DNA, and with the help of an enzyme called polymerase, this primer is then elongated to form our original DNA.

3. A Primer probe is also inserted into this process. This primer probe is very specific and binds to specific site of our single helix of DNA and the fluorescence of the primer probe is then released from the primer probe as the primer is elongated. This then give a signal for the real time PCR to pick up and being recorded in their program. Thus, with a high concentration of fluorescence detected would mean that there is an adequate amount of DNA being amplified.

Electrophoresis System

After our lunch break, we are introduced to product development! It teaches us the various steps as to how a product starts from its thinking stage all the way to the end where it launches and ends. We continue our product that we made from the QiOptiq workshop and evaluate the product in the end.

After tea-break, we are given a talk on career development. We have Life Tech to share about their career and how they ended up in Life Tech. We are also given a valuable lesson on education itself. "We go to school to learn how to learn", this sentence is still revolving around my head till now. Actually, this is very true.... We go to school is actually not really to study on the 9 subjects that we have, but actually to pick up the essence of learning. Mr Siew also mentioned that what is valuable about our study is not about getting tons of awards as it would not be really helpful once you get a job, it is the experience that you gathered that is more important. 

In the end, we hav a plant tour around Life Tech, similar to 3M. We get to see what the plant actually manufactures. Life Tech is very organized in their work area as there are designated areas for different products and all the parts and equipment is placed nicely on shelves. They also have a system to record the attendance of workers and whether the production line is still active. 

In this entire trip, I have benefited greatly from the hands-on activity and the career sharing session as I get to gather more knowledge in science and really reflect on the way of studying that I am using now. Is it just about getting good grades, or do I have the interest to find out more of what I like? Is learning about exams after all? It is a good time to reflect....

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